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Casual listening definition 2022

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Mẹo Hướng dẫn Casual listening definition Mới Nhất

Cập Nhật: 2021-12-22 07:48:04,You Cần kiến thức và kỹ năng về Casual listening definition. You trọn vẹn có thể lại Thảo luận ở phía dưới để Mình đc lý giải rõ ràng hơn.


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Are there different kinds of music listeners?

I had a recent chat with a non-musician friend of mine. We were talking about music, and started comparing two different songs. One tuy nhiên was a commercial, American rap tuy nhiên, and the other, an underground, Australian rap tuy nhiên. I suggested that the reason the underground tuy nhiên was worse, was because it used a strange juxtaposition of instruments (drums, flute and some sort of mandolin it didnt come off that successful), and it used very repetitive, uninteresting chords that didnt go anywhere. The tuy nhiên never really reached an apex, it just stayed flat the whole way through. I suggested that the reason the more commercial tuy nhiên was good, was because it used a more pleasant-to-the-ear chord sequence, a rising structure that built up towards the end, and more recognizable instrumentation for the genre (synths, a funky bassline, etc).

My non-musician friend had different insights. He didnt really think about the difference between the music at all (though I suspect that on some level he noticed it). Instead, he liked the more successful tuy nhiên because the lyrics were aspirational. Instead of telling a personal, involved story like the underground tuy nhiên, the lyrics were sort of encouraging, along the lines of my life is awesome, lets party, throw your hands in the air. He said the tuy nhiên made him feel good. Me, I liked the other songs lyrics better, though. They were more original and personal, and made me think, whereas I felt the successful songs lyrics came off pretty braggy, and sounded like a million other rap songs out there.

Therein lies our difference, though. My friend is clearly the sort of listener who considers the surface lines of the music. He notices lyrics in a songs chorus, and catchy melodies, moreso than anything else. Im not bagging him out, by the way this is just his approach to music. It made me stop and think, though, because I definitely notice music in a different way. I am pretty sure that I notice the progression of the instrumentation, more than anything, when I first hear a tuy nhiên. Thats why it sometimes takes me a few tries to listen to popular music and get why it is popular. A lot of very pop music out there at the moment sounds so uniform throughout the tuy nhiên (eg: Katy Perrys songs). As I listen to the music, I often think whats so good about this? It just stays the same nearly the whole tuy nhiên through! Oh theres the middle 8 how predictable. Then after a couple of listens, I will notice that the vocal melody line is insanely catchy, and understand why its popular. (Then it will mercilessly get stuck in my headsigh). Sometimes I do notice the vocal melody over everything else, but only if it is very unique, or if the singer has a special voice.

Its hard to find any one definitive study of different kinds of music listeners/fans. I found a couple of interesting opinions I will outline here, though:

Chase Marchs idea: There are 3 different levels of music listeners

1. The casual listener (doesnt pay much attention to the music whatsoever. This listener often doesnt know the name of the artists or the songs that they listen to. They dont own much in the way of music. ).

2. The second type of listener (likes the sound of the music and doesnt really focus on the lyrics as much. If it has a good beat, they are into it. If it has a catchy chorus, it doesnt really matter what the tuy nhiên is about, they like it.)

3. The third type of listener (really listens to and analyzes lyrics. This listener cares about the whole package. It isnt just about the lyrics. The tuy nhiên needs to have a good beat too, and the delivery needs to be on point. This listener is often critical of everything they hear.)

Im not sure if I entirely agree with Chases assessment, because Id consider my non-musician friend to be a casual or 2nd-type listener, but he definitely notices lyrics moreso than the music. I would probably suggest Chase changing his model to have the 2nd type listener notice lyrics moreso than the music. Ive definitely found that, in my experience, casual music listeners tend to notice the lyrics and melodies, and not really pay attention to the music/instrumentation. On some level Im sure they are responding to the feel or emotional key of the music, but on the surface they mostly notice catchy melodies and chorus phrases. If I had to categorize myself, I guess Id be a third-type listener, though.

This guys idea (found on a rateyourmusic forum) There are 3 types of music listeners, sitters, seekers and standers:

1. Sitters do not actively seek out new music, they sit back and let music come to them usually through radio, TV and truyền thông. Their only exposure to music is through what others present to them. They have a strong preference for chart-topping music.

2. Seekers actively seek out music and are always adding to their collection. They may be into more underground and less popular genres. They may get recommendations from their friends, but often seek out music on their own.

3. Standers can be hostile towards new music. They tend to stick with their own collection of music, and dont want to add to it. They are often afficionados or fans of classic genres. Standers are big believers in a canon of music that is perfect and unchallengeable as the standard of excellence in the form.

I find this guys insights interesting, but I dont really think everyone can fit into these categories. I do know some people that fit in, but I think a lot of people would be a combination of the few. I know someone who is, I suppose, a stander (absolutely loves metal and barely listens to anything else), but hes always seeking new bands and genres within metal to listen to. I guess if I had to choose one for myself, Id be a stander.

There was one article I read ages ago that I thought was very interesting, but for the life of me I cant remember where I read it. Ive tried to google it, but to no avail. From what I remember, the article also suggested that there are 3 levels of music listeners. It was something like:

3rd level Loves and pretty much lives for music. Cant imagine life without music. Sees songs as the soundtrack to their life, and associates memories with music. Can have memories triggered by a certain tuy nhiên. Sees live music a lot. Gives music full attention when listening. (Definitely me!)

2nd level Likes music, but sees it more as the background to their life. May have favourite songs and artists, but doesnt take a huge interest in seeing live music. Can have music in the background but doesnt always pay attention to it. (My non-musician friend would be this type)

1st level Hates music and barely ever listens to it, unless they dont have control over the situation. Many of these people are psychopaths or people who find it difficult to empathize with other people.

I found this article really thought-provoking at the time, particularly when I thought about what kinds of people would be in the 1st level. Have you ever met someone who really despises music?! I havent the worst music listeners Ive met have been people who simply dont listen to much music, unless its on their car radio. They arent constantly seeking music, and dont play it at home. But if you ask them about music, theyll still have a few artists or genres they prefer. To completely hate music, though are there any people actually like that out there?

YEP, there are. Just check out this comment thread. Some people really dont like it. There is also a medical condition called amusia that, to put it simply, makes listening to music quite unpleasant. It has to do with a disorder in mental processing of melodies/notes.

The article I read suggested that many psychopaths and mentally ill people would fit into the 1st-level category, mainly because they have trouble empathizing, and music has a lot to do with emotion. This cant be entirely true, though. Case en pointe: Charles Manson. Its well documented that he wrote a lot of music, so on some level, he must have liked it. Hitler also had a pretty large music collection, though debates still rage about his mental state. A popular theory is that he had something akin to Aspergers. I personally know someone with Aspergers, who is a very talented musician. Jeffrey Saltzman has an interesting blog post about psychopaths in the corporate workplace, that discusses the suggestion of psychopaths hearing the words but not the music ie, they intereact with music on a surface level, but dont really feel it. I dont know from trolling around some psychopathic and sociopathic message boards trực tuyến, the general consensus (from the psychopaths and sociopaths themselves) seems to be that psychopaths do like some kinds of music. They are capable of feeling some emotions, such as anger, but not the emotion we call empathy. But they tend to stick with what they know, and have a particular affinity for highbrow music such as classical music. Its very interesting to think about what a person who truly dislikes all music would be like, though. What sort of hollow robot would they be?!

Im clearly biased, as a musician and music-lover. But I see music and art as things that define us as human. Its really strange to me that there are people who dont feel that way. However, it takes all kinds to make a world!

One of the best models Ive found in my readings has been composer Aaron Coplands theory of the 3 planes of listening. You can read an article on this here, along with an investigation of listener actions. But I will outline it for you below:

1. The sensuous plane we hear the music without thinking or analysing it. On this level, we can still be influenced by music, but in a non-conscious way. Eg: by hearing upbeat music playing in a store, we will buy more than if we are listening to slow, sad music.

2. The expressive plane we hear the emotion of the music, or feel it. This is where listeners give a meaning to the music they are listening to. Unless Im being analytical, I tend to listen to music on this plane.

3. The purely musical plane this plane requires focused listening. On this plane, the listener notices all the musical aspects the volume, tone, rhythm, tempo, melodies, harmonies and structure.

I like this model because it doesnt incorporate any hierachy or judgement about the personality of the music listener. It just talks about the level of engagement the listener is having with the music. Perhaps its possible to turn a sensous listener into an expressive or purely musical listener, simply through adjusting their level of attention to the music.

I can understand someone disliking, say, a genre of music (there are a couple Im generally not too fond of). But its very difficult for me to imagine hating the entirity of music there is in existence. Surely there is something for everyone out there? Learning and listening to music has been proven to improve cognitive functions such as problem solving, creativity and stress management. Music is successfully used as therapy in many spheres. Maybe the world would be a better place if more people had a creative outlet such as music, or art, to focus on.

This is just my opinion, though maybe some people would say the same thing about science, math or philosophy!

Until next time,

xoxo Bec


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