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chauvanist là gì – Nghĩa của từ chauvanist Chi tiết

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Thủ Thuật Hướng dẫn chauvanist là gì – Nghĩa của từ chauvanist Chi Tiết

Update: 2022-04-12 15:20:14,Bạn Cần kiến thức và kỹ năng về chauvanist là gì – Nghĩa của từ chauvanist. Bạn trọn vẹn có thể lại Comment ở phía dưới để Tác giả đc lý giải rõ ràng hơn.

chauvanist tức là

Guys that only talk about a girls boobs, and butt. That’s the only way they can fit in. They don’t care if they’re doing it around a girl either. Talk about how often they jack off all the time, and could care less if a girl was around. Talk about girls as if they were a piece of meat, and that’s all they want a girl for is to screw.

Ví dụSome of the guys in my class are such chauvanistic pigs! They also need to know if they jack off too much, they won’t be able to have kids when they’re older, and they’re balls will be the size of a pea!

chauvanist tức là

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Ví dụSome of the guys in my class are such chauvanistic pigs! They also need to know if they jack off too much, they won’t be able to have kids when they’re older, and they’re balls will be the size of a pea!

chauvanist tức là

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Ví dụSome of the guys in my class are such chauvanistic pigs! They also need to know if they jack off too much, they won’t be able to have kids when they’re older, and they’re balls will be the size of a pea!
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i used to be a chauvanistic bastard, but bitches hate that shit.

chauvanist tức là

Despite contrary belief about pigs and assholes, a chauvanist is a man who knows exactly what he wants
“MaRC, wait a second, the stature of a lot of men is measured in the car they drive, the golf country club they belong to, and very much the place they live in. You have to admit that…” – Incompetent FOX NEWS reporter

“… and whether or not their wives are staying at home and not working, that’s exactly what I said at the beginning. ‘Cause men are taught that they have to make women happy. The fact of the matter is, you can’t make anybody happy. You have to make yourself happy. Happiness is a bi-product of achievement, so, for women to say that they’re unhappy, it’s their own fault. Anybody who says they’re unhappy is their own fault.” – Marc Rudov the no-nonsense chauvanist

Ví dụSome of the guys in my class are such chauvanistic pigs! They also need to know if they jack off too much, they won’t be able to have kids when they’re older, and they’re balls will be the size of a pea!
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i used to be a chauvanistic bastard, but bitches hate that shit.

Chia sẻ

Video full hướng dẫn Share Link Tải chauvanist là gì – Nghĩa của từ chauvanist ?

– Một số từ khóa tìm kiếm nhiều : ” Review chauvanist là gì – Nghĩa của từ chauvanist tiên tiến và phát triển nhất , Share Link Tải chauvanist là gì – Nghĩa của từ chauvanist “.

Hỏi đáp vướng mắc về chauvanist là gì – Nghĩa của từ chauvanist

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#chauvanist #là #gì #Nghĩa #của #từ #chauvanist chauvanist là gì – Nghĩa của từ chauvanist

Phương Bách

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