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Eshay là gì Chi tiết

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Thủ Thuật Hướng dẫn Eshay là gì 2022

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‘Eshay’ meaning

31 definitions

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  • ‘Eshay’ meaning
  • 31 definitions
  • Eshay: Phong cách đường phố tươi tắn cho cánh đàn ông
  • Tiếng Anh ở Úc
  • Hoidle the sickunt

    Teenage Australian chav/gangsta wannabe asswipe. Known for smoking, drinking, stealing, stinking and unprovoked attacks called “staunching”. Can usually be frightened away by a large stick or adult with a loud voice. Comes from the pig-latin term “Sesh” -> Esh-shay

    • Example: This ratty little eshay lad was following me around outside the bottle-o the other day calling me a gay cunt asking for ciggies.
  • Ingrid

    Australian word for “cool”

    • Example: Guy :Maaateeee. How are we? Next time we see eachother love? Girl: Your coming to my party bra.Next weekend GuyL Eshé braaah
  • the esh master

    brad bullock… eshayyyyy

    • Example: meet me down skyrime 3.30 ya fuck knuckle
  • Poobum

    Scum bag eshay bra

    • Example: Skippy : oi mate Scoin on ? Eshay : you what dog I’ll lfucken staunch ya dog
  • The Bong Lord

    A hectic australian version of a gangsta named edwardo crossflanders. Eshays walk around with shivs, gatorade bongs and pull phat cones and they staunch gay twelvie cunts and rack alcohol and candy. Eshays are commonly found in parks, shopping centers and literally fucking everywhere. Most of em are actually bitch cunts

    • Example: “Oi bro look at this hectic eshay.” “That eshay staunched me little brother lets bash him cunt”
  • luv buds -gamertag

    It translates to “sesh”

    • Example: Saturday might be for the boys but the sesh is for life
  • So FUkkkin Dopey

    Twelve year old gangster motherfucker with a cap and a mophead.

    • Example: Ya Fukin Blokes eshay cunts aye?
  • pimplepopper3000

    Brayden is a want to be eshay

    • Example: Brayden is a want to be eshay
  • Bro

    A bunch of fuckheads who have lower class lives and wear sports clothes and tn’s. They mostly want attention to ask for coke. They talk like guttersnipe and think they are tough shit but they are losers.

    • Example: DUmbasses
  • Ni**a

    a badass person

    • Example: “Your such an eshay”

    a fucking lil dog cunt that rolls cunts for their shit and says gay shit like oi cunt imma roll ya for y tns
    smoke cones with the other lads

    • Example: wankers
  • Ya mum

    Justin gower

    • Example: Justin gower
  • LOL

    Eshay = dodgy druggos in straya

    • Example: Eshay starter kit; tns, ny cap, undershirt, chains, airpods and walking around like they own the place.
  • Alex

    a bunch of fuckheads who think that there cool and want to fight everyone for no reason and act tough when they aren’t at all, don’t be an eshay.

    • Example: a bunch of fuckheads who think that there cool and want to fight everyone for no reason and act tough when they aren’t at all, don’t be an eshay
  • thot destroyer

    A dickhead with TN’s, ny cap, stupid puffy fuckin jackets that make em look like a poof and lighters in their pockets. Known for smoking in bushes at 13, stealing, running around like they’re tough but are literal pussies and tryhards.

    • Example: my ex.
  • RealFiendz

    Some little blokes who run around shopping centres, train stations and shit like that staunching (rolling) people for their shit and think they’re top shit but in reality any cunt could drop them. You would usually hear them say this: “oi cunt lemme wear them tns ” “oi you got a ciggy” or “lad you wanna go” so basically fag cuntd

    • Example: Oi there’s a little eshay cunt, he stole my little brothers cigs, should we roll the fag?
  • Yeeet I’m an eshay

    A cool mother fucker

  • Jordqn

    Wanna be wanker known for working at mc Donald’s at 62 min wage smoking mad shit like tea bags band grassn bc they can’t afford that madn shit and the cold food that’s to cold so shove down there pants and dack

  • Fago

    Eshay is a shady word that means druggy, shop lifter, butt fucker, rapist or a stabber (Stauncher) and all eshays walk around like they own the fucking place

    • Example: Oi Jordan is a fuckin wannabe eshay lookin cunt
  • Failed Masurbation

    Wankers that wear American sports teams hats, sport shorts and baggy (usually striped) shirts and shoes that are brighter in a flash light than an albino in the sun.

    • Example: “That Jarrod kid is an eshay cuuunnnntt”
  • The mistake cumshot

    A child with a distraught mental condition making them think that they are fucking top shit but are actually the shitty turds of the world

    • Example: Oi eshay lad, get tha fuk of ma lawn u stupid fuckface!
  • Learn English. Its simple.

    Pig latin word for “yes” adopted by losers and lowlifes who lacked the intelligence to pick up any other part of this simplistic primary school yard language, let alone any decent females. The language originally worked by taking the first letter or sound from a word, moving it to the end, and adding they the “ay” sound to it, but their lack of brain cells couldn’t even get that right. Perfectly explains why none if them even know what a “bra” is, as they’ll never see one other than their mothers.

    • Example: Yes=esyay=eshay, No=O-nay=onnay, Bra=???=they’ll never see one, Male friend=Bro=Brah!
  • The nut is pleased

    A 12 to 16 year old working class kid with a nautical hat and Adidas and Nike fuckin everywhere else. Stores cigs and a knife in a bum bag. Walks around like they own the place. Act hard but is actually a pussy cunt and could get dropped by a literal 2 year old. Will try and fight you for no reason. Pretends to be good at basketball.

    • Example: “oi johnno look at this eshay cunt fuckin loser”
  • um i never went to oovoo javer

    A mental illness where someone, typically in their teens, have a personality so boring and unlikable they resort to claiming all they do is “pop pillies and smoke billies” in the hopes of surviving high school then getting the attention from mental health hotlines after they destroy their life by skipping school and doing drugs so Centerlink can provide them $200 a fortnight without working.

    Know the symptoms of someone suffering from Esh:
    – Failure to pronounce words properly: E.g. “OI YA DOGGA CUNT GIV ME YA TNS”
    – Hates on the police force for trying to keep them safe and providing security.
    – Resorts to wearing sport brands but can’t even outrun the cops.
    – Claims they can “roll ya” but can only do so in a group of three/more suffering from the same illness.

    Treatment requires:
    – Temporary Social Media termination.
    – Serious psychiatric help.
    – Alternative schooling.
    – Hide the goon.

    Train stations are the spawn points for local eshays,

    • Example: “A flock of eshays stole the tns.”
  • Snap: Ty_rob32

    a teenager that wears branded clothes, tns and has a bum bag and rips fat cones on the daily, drinks and rolls cunts. They also carries a knife, lighters and bud in the bum bag. You can find them everywhere like shopping malls, train stations, skate parks literally everywhere. They say words like Ya dog cunt. Give us ya tns ya fucking dog and Fuck 12. You also have different types of Eshays like the OneFour Eshays, The Chillint fan boi eshay, the twelve eshay and theirs many more. They also think they can do what ever the fuck they want so if they want a fight its not hard to win unless they try to shank ya but most of them are to pussy to use there knifes, there just point it at ya like a pussy dog.

    • Example: Come round jimmys with ya billy i got bud we have a couple of cones ya dog cunt
  • phil

    eshays are not cool

    • Example: hey you eshays are not cool you wanker
  • eshay= crusty cum sock

    An eshay is a failed abortion that constantly disappoints their parents by wearing dumb fucking fanny packs trying to flex on their twelvie friends about how they rolled one guy in a group of five. The second they are singled out they say “ay bah no beef here ay”. They are literal pussy cunts that beg homeless people for ciggys and when they get home after punching a few phat cones and smoking a ciggy their parents absoulutely beat them because they can smell smoke on them.

    • Example: Mum stop beating me please Ill get you some Tn’s if you stop beating me now!
  • eshays limited stock

    an eshay comes with trackies scrunched to his mid calf, wearing a lacoste hat and a pouch for the darts. he has stigs but he hides them because ‘stigs are gay’ they come with a gaterbong but no cp (this is a mystery to me aswell babe). they smoke darts (cigarettes). and usually have girlfriends but only for 2-3 days at a time. to be an authentic “eshay” you have to be at least 14 years old. kids in yr 7 trying to roll a deliveroo man is just not the way to go… eshay come with a button on their mid-chest, when pressed said eshay will speak; “farrk owf kientttt”, “ya wanna get staunched cuz aye”, “fucken oaf brah”
    each sold seperately ?

    • Example: hi maya
  • Captain Marvel

    Eshay means Yes In An Aussie Way!

    • Example: Man 1: You OK? Man 2: Eshay!
  • David Attenborough

    Eshay lads, commonly referred to as “eshays”, are young teenagers (13-15) that think they are the best people on planet Earth. These creatures, very commonly spotted in train stations, shopping centres and parks, are extremely common. These creatures travel either on their own (the “tough” ones), but are most commonly seen in groups of 2-4. The reason for this travelling method is because eshays, one their own, are very weak. They travel in group looking to “roll cunts for their tn’s buh”. Eshays have a very limited selection of dialogue to choose from, including the following:
    “ya dog cunt”
    “chuck us a ciggy cunt/buh”
    “ill roll ya cunt/buh/g”
    “ill shank ya”
    “scrap at woolies/the park cunt”
    “fuck you up cunt”
    “ill roll you for your tns/en tays buh/cunt/g”
    “im not so eetswa”
    “you wont be so eetswa”
    “ill staunch ya cunt/buh”
    These are some examples of the few choices of dialogue these creatures have available. Eshays also have a variety of activities they enjoy participating in. These activities include stealing from Woolworths (Coles is not an option for eshays), rolling “cunts” for their tns (a type of Nike branded shoes), smoking, making bongs out of Gatorade bottles, drinking. These activities lead to bad results in school. Eshays also wear a variety of clothing. An eshays wardrobe typically consists of a black bumbag, black sports shorts (oversized and sagging, typically nike), black and white striped Nike shirts, white or black Nike caps or branded caps (NY for example), Nike TN’s or Airs (also Yeezys, Michael Jordans). It is not known what is contained in their bumbag, but it is commonly speculated that cigarettes, deodorant, knives are kept in it. In conclusion, this article of what an eshay is describes their activities, clothing, personality and traits.

    • Example: “I’ll roll ya cunt, chuck us your TN’s ya dog” “Meet at the park cunt” “Eeeshay buh!”
  • Cuntdog

    Ya cunt dog. Weak cunts

    • Example: Get up ya dog cunt. Ciggie ya cocksmoker
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    Example *

    Eshay: Phong cách đường phố tươi tắn cho cánh đàn ông

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