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Mẹo Hướng dẫn Why is active listening so hard Mới Nhất

Update: 2021-12-17 19:39:42,Bạn Cần kiến thức và kỹ năng về Why is active listening so hard. Bạn trọn vẹn có thể lại phản hồi ở phía dưới để Mình đc lý giải rõ ràng hơn.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Speaking is easy; listening is difficult.

Experts say that that the average person actually remembers a fraction of what is said to them.

In the course of a lifetime, so much time is spent mastering nuts and bolts career skills but little time is spent polishing essential interpersonal skills. Listening is one of them.

For decades, recruiters, HR people and organizational heads have complained about job candidates lacking strong communication skills. This is a common complaint from recruiters in all industries. IT candidates, particularly, are singled out for lacking rudimentary communication skills.

According to one expert one of the reasons for difficulty listening is because there is too much stimulation around us.

But the real culprit is technology.There is simply so much going on, its difficult to focus on what people are saying to us.

We also have trouble listening because we focus on body toàn thân language 55 per cent of the time, and on vocal intonation 38 per cent of the time. That leaves only seven per cent to devote to what someone is saying.

Think of listening as a skill that must be mastered. Nobody is born knowing how to read and write. These essentials skills are mastered by constant practice. Similarly, listening has to be learned the same way. The first step in mastering listening is being here now. The means staying in the moment you are in, concentrating on every second of a conversation. If you dont, you might miss a critical cue or idea.

A sound strategy for improving listening skills is adopting the techniques of veteran salespeople. A good salesperson is always listening and paying close attention to what his or her prospects or customers are saying.One way to remember what people say is to repeat back to them what they are saying, so that the thought is understood and remembered.

One of the hardest things to do during a first conversation with someone is to remember the persons name. A loud environment such as a busy restaurant or a convention hall may limit what you hear the person saying.

So you dont forget the name ask if the person has a business card. On the back of the card, write the date of the conversation and notes about the conversation, such as information you have promised to send to the speaker.

During the current coronavirus pandemic, you are probably holding more trực tuyến meetings but you will probably use your contact manager instead of the back of a business card.

Dont expect to become a good listener overnight. It takes time, patience, concentration and hard work. You can start by slowing down. Just because everything around you is happening quickly doesnt mean you have to follow suit. Apply the brakes, focus and youll be pleasantly surprised by what you hear and remember.

Dana Wilson is an Edmonton-based freelance writer.

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