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Thủ Thuật về Proverbs about listening to advice Chi Tiết
Cập Nhật: 2021-12-14 04:37:36,Bạn Cần biết về Proverbs about listening to advice. Bạn trọn vẹn có thể lại phản hồi ở phía dưới để Tác giả được tương hỗ.
Proverbs 22:17-24:34Living Bible
17-19Listen to this wise advice; follow it closely, for it will do you good, and you can pass it on to others: Trust in the Lord.
20-21In the past, havent I been right? Then believe what I am telling you now and share it with others.
22-23Dont rob the poor and sick! For the Lord is their defender. If you injure them, he will punish you.
24-25Keep away from angry, short-tempered men, lest you learn to be like them and endanger your soul.
26-27Unless you have the extra cash on hand, dont countersign a note. Why risk everything you own? Theyll even take your bed!
28Do not move the ancient boundary marks. That is stealing.[a]
29Do you know a hard-working man? He shall be successful and stand before kings!
231-3When dining with a rich man,[b] be on your guard and dont stuff yourself, though it all tastes so good; for he is trying to bribe you, and no good is going to come of his invitation.
4-5Dont weary yourself trying to get rich. Why waste your time? For riches can disappear as though they had the wings of a bird!
6-8Dont associate with evil men; dont long for their favors and gifts. Their kindness is a trick; they want to use you as their pawn. The delicious food they serve will turn sour in your stomach, and you will vomit it and have to take back your words of appreciation for their kindness.
9Dont waste your breath on a rebel. He will despise the wisest advice.
10-11Dont steal the land of defenseless orphans by moving their ancient boundary marks, for their Redeemer is strong; he himself will accuse you.
12Dont refuse to accept criticism; get all the help[c] you can.
13-14Dont fail to correct your children; discipline wont hurt them! They wont die if you use a stick on them! Punishment will keep them out of hell.
15-16My son, how I will rejoice if you become a man of common sense. Yes, my heart will thrill to your thoughtful, wise words.
17-18Dont envy evil men but continue to reverence the Lord all the time, for surely you have a wonderful future ahead of you. There is hope for you yet!
19-21Omy son, be wise and stay in Gods paths; dont carouse with drunkards and gluttons, for they are on their way to poverty. And remember that too much sleep clothes a man with rags. 22Listen to your fathers advice and dont despise an old mothers experience. 23Get the facts at any price, and hold on tightly to all the good sense you can get. 24-25The father of a godly man has cause for joywhat pleasure a wise son is! So give your parents joy!
26-28Omy son, trust my advicestay away from prostitutes. For a prostitute is a deep and narrow grave. Like a robber, she waits for her victims as one after another become unfaithful to their wives.
29-30Whose heart is filled with anguish and sorrow? Who is always fighting andquarreling? Who is the man with bloodshot eyes and many wounds? It is theone who spends long hours in the taverns, trying out new mixtures. 31Dont let the sparkle and the smooth taste of strong wine deceive you. 32For in the end it bites like a poisonous serpent; it stings like an adder. 33You will see hallucinations and have delirium tremens, and you will say foolish, silly things that wouldembarrass you no end when sober. 34You will stagger like a sailor tossed at sea, clinging to a swaying mast. 35And afterwards you will say, I didnt even know it when they beat me up…. Lets go and have another drink!
24Dont envy godless men; dont even enjoy their company. 2For they spend their days plotting violence and cheating.
3-4Any enterprise is built by wise planning, becomes strong through common sense, and profits wonderfully by keeping abreast of the facts.
5A wise man is mightier than a strong man. Wisdom is mightier than strength.
6Dont go to war without wise guidance; there is safety in many counselors.
7Wisdom is too much for a rebel. Hell not be chosen as a counselor!
8To plan evil is as wrong as doing it.
9The rebels schemes are sinful, and the mocker is the scourge of all mankind.
10You are a poor specimen if you cant stand the pressure of adversity.
11-12Rescue those who are unjustly sentenced to death; dont stand back and let them die. Dont try to disclaim responsibility by saying you didnt know about it. For God, who knows all hearts, knows yours, and he knows you knew! And he will reward everyone according to his deeds.
13-14My son, honey whets the appetite and so does wisdom! When you enjoy becoming wise, there is hope for you! A bright future lies ahead!
15-16Oevil man, leave the upright man alone and quit trying to cheat him out of his rights. Dont you know that this good man, though you trip him up seven times, will each time rise again? But one calamity is enough to lay you low.
17Do not rejoice when your enemy meets trouble. Let there be no gladness when he falls 18for the Lord may be displeased with you and stop punishing him!
19-20Dont envy the wicked. Dont covet his riches. For the evil man has no future; his light will be snuffed out.
21-22My son, watch your step before the Lord and the king, and dont associate with radicals. For you will go down with them to sudden disaster, and who knows where it all will end?
23It is wrong to sentence the poor and let the rich go không lấy phí. 24He who says to the wicked, You are innocent, shall be cursed by many people of many nations; 25but blessings shall be showered on those who rebuke sin fearlessly.
26It is an honor to receive a frank reply.
27Develop your business first before building your house.
28-29Dont testify spitefully against an innocent neighbor. Why lie about him? Dont say, Now I can pay him back for all his meanness to me!
30-31I walked by the field of a certain lazy fellow and saw that it was overgrown with thorns; it was covered with weeds, and its walls were broken down. 32-33Then, as I looked, I learned this lesson:
A little extra sleep,
A little more slumber,
A little folding of the hands to rest
34means that poverty will break in upon you suddenly like a robber and violently like a bandit.
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