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Cập Nhật: 2022-03-08 14:26:08,Bạn Cần tương hỗ về Vba listbox edit item. Quý khách trọn vẹn có thể lại Báo lỗi ở phía dưới để Ad đc tương hỗ.
I have a userform in Excel which has a listbox which pulls data from a dynamic range (5 columns, 1 being a unique ID number).
When the user clicks the record it displays each value in a text box and the ID number in a label.
Private Sub ListBox1_Click()
Me.Label6 = Me.ListBox1.List(ListBox1.ListIndex, 0) ‘record number
Me.TextBox1 = Me.ListBox1.List(ListBox1.ListIndex, 4)’Staff name
Me.TextBox2 = Me.ListBox1.List(ListBox1.ListIndex, 1)’Strategy
Me.TextBox3 = Me.ListBox1.List(ListBox1.ListIndex, 2)’Notes
Me.TextBox4 = Me.ListBox1.List(ListBox1.ListIndex, 3)’Date
End Sub
I want the user to makes changes to the record and update the list box and data on sheet. It is updating the right record just with one value!
User form with updated same value in all columns see rec# 5
Private Sub CMDUpdate_Click()
Dim erowa As Integer
Dim x As Integer
erowa = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(Sheet9.Range(“A:A”))
For x = 2 To erowa
If Sheet9.Cells(x, “A”).Value = Me.Label6 Then ‘this is the unique ID
Sheet9.Cells(x, “B”).Value = Me.TextBox1.Value ‘Staff name
Sheet9.Cells(x, “C”).Value = Me.TextBox2.Value ‘Strategy
Sheet9.Cells(x, “D”).Value = Me.TextBox3.Value ‘Notes
Sheet9.Cells(x, “E”).Value = Me.TextBox4.Value ‘date
End If
End Sub
Also date format for some reason displays the Julian value!
I spent a whole day researching, watching tutorials, reading blogs.
Hi All I would like to know if it is possible to edit a list box directly? I have a userform with a textbox to add items to a list box on th
form. I want to make it possible for the user to select an item fro
the list and either directly edit it or for the item to be placed i
the textbox for the user to edit. The actuall items in the list ar
stored in one of the sheets and I have defined a name for the range. I set the value of the textbox = listbox1.value under the MouseDow
sự kiện of the listbox. However, I can’t think how to update the edite
item back to the listbox. Basically I want to overwrite the old ite
with the new one. I would appreciate any help. Thanks
Kind Regard
Assuming the ListBox1 has RowSource=A1:A20 Paste the following in Userform’s code: HTH
AP ‘————–
Private Sub ListBox1_Click()
TextBox1.Value = ListBox1.Value
End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_Change()
Dim rCell As Range
With ListBox1
Set rCell = Range(.RowSource).Offset(.ListIndex).Resize(1)
rCell.Value = TextBox1.Value
End With
End Sub
Hi Ardus
That piece of code your wrote is doing exactly what I want except
that it only works on the first item in the list . If I try
selecting a different item from the second one down, it throws a
run-time error 1004 – Application or Object defined error on this line: Set rCell = Range(.RowSource).Offset(.ListIndex).Resize(1) I set my rowsource to the name I defined for that list.
Could that be the problem?
Hi Ardus This is what my code looks like: Code:
——————– Private Sub ListBox1_Click()
txtRank.Value = ListBox1.Value
End Sub Private Sub txtRank_Change()
Dim rCell As Range
With ListBox1
Set rCell = Range(.RowSource).Offset(.ListIndex).Resize(1)
rCell.Value = txtRank.Value
End With
End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() ListBox1.ColumnCount = 1
ListBox1.RowSource = “SourceRank” ‘I set it so that when the form is loaded the list in SourceRank(Defined name – Col A:A) is displayed in the listbox, I dont know if this might be the problem or not?
End Sub
That was because you define SourceRank as $A:$A
I don’t think it’s a good idea, since your ListBox shows 65536 rows! Anyway, this fixes the bug: Private Sub txtRank_Change()
Dim rCell As Range
With ListBox1
Set rCell = Range(.RowSource).Resize(1).Offset(.ListIndex)
rCell.Value = txtRank.Value
End With
End Sub
Hi Ardus Thank you. My listbox works perfectly now. I really appreciate all your
help and patience.
Kind Regards
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I have a list box that is populated on initialization. The user then can add or delete items from this listbox. I want the user to be able to EDIT the items as well the listbox has 4 columns. here is the double click code: VB:Private Sub ListBox1_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
‘ListBox1.List (ListBox1.ListIndex) this returns the item in the listindex where double clik has happened.’
End Sub
If you like these VB formatting tags please consider sponsoring me in tư vấn of injured Royal Marines the double clik opens up a form with two textbox for input and an Địa Chỉ button that is suposed to add the tex to the listbox in UserForm 1.
How do I do this? I have no Class function created and everything is local
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Hi All, I have the below code which deletes all items from a listbox and my excel sheet which is the source for populating that listbox. I am using a option button style for my listbox and the selection style as single .i.e. you can select only one item at one go in the lisbox. I want my macro to delete the selected item from my worksheet .i.e. it’s entire row so that it doesn’t reflect in my lisbox any more. Below is my code : Code:Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
Dim I As Long
With ListBox1
For I = .ListCount – 1 To 0 Step -1
If .Selected(I) Then
.RemoveItem I
Sheets(“URL List”).Rows(I + 2).EntireRow.Delete
End If
Next I
End With
End Sub
Thanks a lot for your help in advance.
I have a userform containing a multicolumn listbox (ListBox1) and textbox (txtSelectedJobNumber). When a user clicks on a line in the listbox I want to automatically copy the text in the 3rd column of the selected line to the textbox. If anyone could provide code which would allow me to do this I would be grateful Thanks Colin
Hi All, I got the below macro which uses IE and open the URLs. I want to create a userform with listbox with radio button and commandbutton on the same which will help me to connect to each url when I select the same in listbox and click on the commandbutton. Code:Sub DoBrowse1()
Dim ie As Object
Set ie = CreateObject(“Internetexplorer.Application”)
ie.Visible = True
ie.Navigate “google”
End Sub
Any suggestions..
I want to populate a ListBox by means of Method AddItem and List. How to load the Column Heads? Can be used the RowsourceType Property? How? GALILEOGALI
Hello, i’ve got the following problem: I want users to double-click on a row on a protected sheet and then do some code based on the row-number of the clicked cell. I’ve protected the sheet because it contains a lot of formula’s. When a user double-clicks a row it triggers the code through the Workbook_SheetBeforeDoubleClick sự kiện.
After the code is executed Excel shows a message that the cell that was clicked was protected etc etc. How can I prevent this message from popping up? I’ve already tried Code:application.displaywarnings = false
but that didn’t work Thanks
I have a spreadsheet with simple (addition/subtraction) formulas. The file is quite large and the formulas are too. All of a sudden, the formulas stopped working except when I double click in the cell containing the actual formula. For example, if I enter “2” in each cell, A2 and B2, cell B3 should reflect “4” because there is a formula in cell B3 which totals cells A2 and B2. Only by double clicking on cell B3 will the program actually calculate. I’m totally perplexed and so is my IT contact. Anyone?
Hi everyone….this is my first post here ….and not my last I believe! My question I believe is easily solvable for you cracks of excel. I have a worksheet with a list of rows (item#, date, price, etc). In the last column of this list I can put an x for some of the items. On another worksheet or sheet, I need to autoamtically have a list of the items in the first list above, that have an X in the last columns. I created an example on a worksheet attached just for you to understand. I apreciate all the help I can get. Thank you so much. RG
Hello, I am trying to fill a listbox on a userform with column headers, but I want it to be dynamic so that no matter how many column headers there are it won’t be hard coded to a particular range. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Andy
Hi, Someone once showed me how if you have a a reference to a cell in one sheet
you could double click on the cell and it would jump to the referenced cell
in the reference cell’s sheet. For example. Cell With Reference Referenced Cell in other
A1 =Sheet2!A1
hi, I would like a formula that would list all the items in row B that match the criteria in row A. the first cell with formula would list the first item, the second cell with the formula would list the next item, and so forth. Also, column B might have a duplicates that should be listed. Is this possible? I cannot manipulate the order of the original items (ie, filters) because this data is being used to derive other formulas.
Hey there, I have been tasked with introducing userforms into an excel sheet and tbh I’m quite amazed that excel has this capability of adding userforms to excel sheets. Anyway, I have 2 columns of data in an excel sheet and I wish to add this to a userform so that the userform displays the 2 columns beside each other with headings, like a table. The user should then be able to select a particular row and insert it into the specified cell. I would also like the user to select a row on the table and then be able to bring up another table depending on the row selected…basically so that the user can draw deeper into the information that they require. I have an example excel sheet where I have 2 sheets. One sheet is the user entry sheet called User Entry Screen. the next sheet is the tables sheet where my tables are held. Once the user selects the cell shown in the example sheet, it should then bring up the user form. the user then, depending on which item clicked, then gets shown the next window with a table and info on it. then user should then be able to select an item and the cells on the user entry screen would then get populated. Personally I think this is a really tricky challenge and any help with doing this would be extremely appreciated. I’ll post up further comments as I am trying to work my way through it! Thanks, Jag
Hi, I have a long list of data validation. I was wondering if there is a way when I clik on the drop down menu and type the first letter, automatically Excel shows all list with that letter. Right now, I have to click on the drop down menu and scroll manually until I reach that desired list. Thanks.
I have set a VLOOKUP formula to match account numbers. How ever I have to
click double click on the cell before the formula recognises the account
number. I have to do this for each cell. I have tried different formats. It
is not saving me that much time.
I have set up an excel file that helps put together different text components using the vlookup and concatenate formulas for use in one plain text document . When I try to paste the finished result into notepad/textpad/word it adds extra double quote marks throughout the text. Does anyone know how to paste it without these marks? Thanks!
How to create a userform that will have button for search, edit, change, delete individual recordings. Also in case of listed results obtained records that could be printed? Thanks
I have a UserForm with several fields on it: 5 are ‘required’ and the other 6 are ‘optional’. If a user doesn’t enter a value for ALL of the 5 ‘required’ fields, how do I get the code to return the user to the UserForm (with, I assume, the values they already entered, still showing)? I have the AutoOpen code that starts things off, and then, in turn, loads the UserForm with the fields that need to be populated. I can’t figure out how to route the user back to the UserForm, to enter the ‘missed’ data.
I’m having a problem in a workbook with several ActiveX command buttons. I had been using the form control buttons to run macros, but the boss wanted each button to have it’s own, different color. So I removed the form control buttons and created new ActiveX command buttons. I got into the button properties and set the background colors. I added the _Click code to run the macros when the user clicked the buttons. All of the buttons were working fine. Then I saved and closed the workbook and went to lunch. Now when I open the workbook, the buttons don’t work! When I click them nothing happens. They appear frozen. They don’t even seem to click. No error message. Nothing. If I right-click the button in Design Mode and select Properties, I get sheet properties not the button properties. I can’t seem to locate the command button properties any longer. I still see the button name “cmdButtonGetInfo” and “=EMBED(“Forms.CommandButton.1″,””) in the name box and formula bar. The odd thing is if I create a new button it works fine until I save and close the file. When I reopen the file none of the buttons work. It’s like the buttons are being disabled when I close or open the file. Any suggestions?
I added a print button to my userform Code:Private Sub btn1_Click()
End Sub
This prints out the userform as I would like, however it autoprints to the default printer and doesn’t allow any printing options so I can’t select to “print to one page”. So as of now it is only printing out half my form and cutting off the rest. Any suggestions?
Ran into a problem I’ve never seen before. When dragging a cell across that contains a sum equation the result was the following cells with the same value. Inside the cell it showed what would be the correct new equation, but the value was still from the original cell. Any ideas on what’s causing this? If I double click the cell and then hit enter it will re-total the area and then give me the correct value, but I’d obviously rather is just work right the first time.
Hi, This is a very basic question, but i have been struggling for hours, so I must ask. I I trying to simply fill a combobox on a userform from a named range on a sheet, I want to populate the combobox as soon as the userform starts. (I launch the userform from a button on the sheet) Where must I place the code? and will this code work? Code:Sub Button1_Click()
Set UserForm1.combobox1.List = Sheets(“Sheet1”).Range(“MyRange”)
End Sub
I am very new to vba, so please excuse my ignorance,
any help would be greatly appreciated regards
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#Vba #listbox #edit #item Vba listbox edit item
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