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Mẹo về Binding listbox wpf mvvm 2022

Cập Nhật: 2021-12-27 16:08:04,Bạn Cần tương hỗ về Binding listbox wpf mvvm. You trọn vẹn có thể lại phản hồi ở cuối bài để Admin được tương hỗ.


How do I bind a view model property to the ListBox.SelectedItem property?

I have created a simple MVVM demo to try to figure this one out. My view model has these properties:

private ObservableCollection p_DisneyCharacters;
public ObservableCollection DisneyCharacters

get return p_DisneyCharacters;

p_DisneyCharacters = value;

private DisneyCharacter p_SelectedItem;
public DisneyCharacter SelectedItem

get return p_SelectedItem;

p_SelectedItem = value;

I want to bind the SelectedItem property to the item selected in the list box. Here is the XAML for the list box:

Here is my problem: The view model SelectedItem property isn’t being updated when I change the selection in the list box.

I did a test where I temporarily replaced the view model SelectedItem property with a SelectedIndex property, and I bound that to the ListBox.SelectedIndex property. That property updated fine–it’s just the SelectedItem property that I can’t get to work.

So, how do I fix the SelectedItem binding? Thanks for your help.

See Question&Answers more detail:os


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